Accelerating progress in remote areas

Kuje is a Local Government Area in Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory known for its high population density and limited resources, resulting in socioeconomic problems such as poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing, poor access to education and healthcare, lack of infrastructure, poor waste management and environmental degradation. Efforts are being made to address these issues through community development programs and infrastructure investment. The event aimed to bring awareness as to how blockchain may accelerate progress. The attendees included local craftsmen, school teachers, students and blockchain developers. The community was introduced to concepts such as NFTs, DeFi, and smart contracts. The event serves as a foundation for future projects Impact Plus is exploring in developing communities in Nigeria. Accelerating progress in remote areas When: 09 December, 2022 Where: Kuje, Nigeria  

Exchanges with Amazonian communities

Cultural minorities, especially those in remote areas, often have limited access to information and need more resources to explore  technologies like blockchain. At our event, we aimed to bring the benefits of blockchain technology to a community deep in the Amazon rainforest. We were honored to have indigenous speakers from the community share their experiences and expertise, as well as solidity developers who have worked with small communities. A key topic of discussion was the importance of understanding carbon credits and how they can impact communities in the Amazon. More specifically, some community leaders reported that some of its members signed documents related to carbon credits without fully understanding their content. To address this issue and empower leaders in potential negotiations in this sector, Polygon and Impact Plus, in partnership with the NGO “Nossa Terra Firme,” introduced blockchain from a responsible and conscious perspective to prevent scams and fraud. This is the first of an empowerment program for communities in the Amazon region. The activity was carried out behind closed doors with the support of translators and cultural mediators to ensure respect for local sensitivity. Exchanges with Amazonian communities (Part 1 and 2) When: 03 and 10 December, 2022 Where: Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil

Blockchain for SDGs

The Blockchain for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) event brought together NGOs and blockchain developers of different levels to delve into the potential of blockchain technology in driving social impact. The event explored the implementation of SDGs in Nigeria, the diverse challenges faced in the region, and various use cases for blockchain in agriculture, health solutions, and logistics. This event featured illuminating use case presentations, an array of thought-provoking keynote speeches, and an engaging panel discussion moderated by a representative of the Seedbuilders Foundation. These initiatives gave attendees a deeper understanding of blockchain technology’s potential applications and challenges for sustainable development. Blockchain for Sustainable Development Goals When: 26th November, 2022 Where: Seedbuilders Innovation Hub, Abuja, Nigeria

Favelas for Blockchain

Impact Plus has led a number of initiatives in favelas. This event, which took place in Rio das Pedras explored the potential of driving blockchain technology in community development in one of Brazil’s largest favelas. The event delved into themes such as the fundamental concepts of blockchain, the power of decentralization, and the unique characteristics of Web3 for social impact. The participation of residents from Rio das Pedras aimed to address the social and economic challenges they face and the potential of blockchain technology to improve their lives. Attendees fostered an interest in exploring the prospect of a social token to empower the community. More to follow… Favelas for blockchain! When: 26th November, 2022 Where:, Rio das Pedras, Brazil

Web3 for Wildlife

Kenya’s wildlife faces habitat destruction, poaching, and illegal trade threats. These issues not only threaten the survival of many species but also have negative impacts on local communities and economies. The Web3 for Wildlife Conservation encounter brought conservationists, techies, and wildlife enthusiasts to learn about leveraging web3 technology for conservation efforts. Speakers discussed the fundamentals of blockchain, showcased innovative use cases and projects, and delved into the challenges and opportunities of crypto adoption in Africa. The attendees also had the chance to share their projects and network with potential partners, including BaoTree, OkoaNature, and WWF Kenya.  Web3.0 for Wildlife When: 19th November, 2022 Where: Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya

inclusive economies through blockchain

Blockchain developers gathered to explore the potential applications of web3 technology across various industries. The attendees discussed using blockchain in finance, environmental conservation, public service, solar financing, land rights, mutual credit, and multilateral exchange. The attendees were divided into smaller groups to delve deeper into specific sectors, such as health, energy, education, and finance, and to identify blockchain use cases that could apply to these sectors. The group discussions resulted in a wealth of ideas, such as using blockchain for verified anonymous patient data, microlending, P2P lending, and financing for renewable energy projects. The event was organized in conjunction with Jia Finance. inclusive economies through blockchain When: 26th October, 2022 Where: Nairobi, Kenya

Panel discussion: ¿Puede blockchain cambiar el mundo?

What can blockchain truly achieve to address real life problems? How do academics from relevant fields see blockchain? It was a pleasure to organize an insightful debate on the role of blockchain technology in international development. The event brought together a panel of esteemed professors from the University of Los Andes alongside Jordi Baylina and Antoni Martin, co-founders of Polygon. The discussion delved into the potential of blockchain to improve transparency and accountability in aid distribution and its ability to facilitate financial inclusion for marginalized communities. However, the panelists also acknowledged the current limitations of the technology, such as scalability and regulatory hurdles. The debate also provided valuable perspectives on using blockchain technology to achieve the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Panel discussion: ¿Puede blockchain cambiar el mundo? When: 13 Oct 2022 Where: Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia

Developers for Social Impact

The “Developing for Social Impact” program was a transformative experience for participants, providing them with the tools and knowledge to make a meaningful impact in their community using Web3 technology. The program, held over three days, was designed for students from YabaTech and members of the Ajegunle community. During the program, the 48 participants received training on the basics of blockchain technology and Solidity. The program educated them on using these technologies to develop solutions that address the community’s specific needs. The program equipped the participants with technical knowledge and allowed them to apply their skills and make a tangible difference in their community. Developers for Social Impact When: 07-09 October 2022 Where: Yabatech, Lagos, Nigeria

Onboarding NGOs to web3

In partnership with the South African Department of Social Development, Impact Plus hosted a meet-up aimed at onboarding NGOs to Web3. Discussions revolved around basic elements of Web3, such as  wallets, NFTs, DAOs and DeFi, all of which are useful for running daily organizational operations as well as for fundraising. The workshop was oversubscribed with 29 organizations. Impact Plus blockchain specialists and other industry insiders provided free resources and offered follow-up mentoring sessions.  Activity: Onboarding local NGOs to web3 When: 16 september 2022 Where: SouthAfrica, Cape Town

Favelas for Blockchain: Morro dos Prazeres

Inspired by the mission to make blockchain a more inclusive technology, Impact+ went to the Brazilian favela of Morro dos Prazeres, in Rio de Janeiro, to organize its first Web3 meetup. Favela residents were enthusiastic to learn about the technology, and to hear from community leaders with similar backgrounds who have leveraged Web3 to make a positive social impact. This included Carol dos Santos, from the favela Complexo do Chapadão, who runs the NGO Educar+, as well as Larissa Barros, who advocates for the inclusion of black and mixed communities in the blockchain ecosystem. Activity:  Blockchain brought to the favela of Morro dos Prazeres When:  30 August 2022 Where: Morro dos Prazeres, Rio de Janeiro,