NGO Bootcamp in Nigeria

The widespread adoption of blockchain technology has been impeded by a lack of understanding and expertise in this cutting-edge field. Many organizations, including NGOs, face significant challenges in harnessing the potential of blockchain to drive positive social change. These issues were addressed in an NGO bootcamp attended by a good number of NGO personnel in Nigeria, organized in partnership with Aragon, 1inch and inputs from Mercy Corps and ActionAid Nigeria.  The event’s central focus was to understand the challenges faced by NGOs while implementing the SDGs onground and that was handled by Anuoluwapo Fashola of Mercy Corps. She highlighted issues like inefficient supply chain management, data collection, language barriers, and the management of internally displaced persons in the North East of Nigeria (her case study), emphasizing the need for technology to streamline these processes. There was also a section on the role of technology in sustainable development which was handled by Charles Petu of Action Aid. He highlighted the immense potential of technology in advancing sustainable development goals. The highlight of the event was a case study demonstration by Uyoyo Ogedegbe of Convexity Technologies showcasing their Chart solution tailored for NGOs built on the blockchain. Attendees gained insights into charts core capabilities including real-time monitoring and evaluation of distributed aid, seamless delivery of assistance to remote communities, cost reduction, enhanced flexibility and increased donor confidence. As the day progressed, the audience were thrilled by the potentials of this emerging technology which led to questions about how they can practically integrate blockchain technology into their day to day activity as Non Governmental Organizations. As the last program on the Blockchain compliance and regulation series in Nigeria, the final segment brought together a panel of experts to explore and discuss the regulatory frameworks governing blockchain technology in Nigeria and how NGOs can safely incorporate this innovative technology into their operations. This initiative has been part of the awareness campaign ‘The responsible revolution”. FAQS What is The Responsible Revolution? The Responsible Revolution” represents an open initiative, emphasizing the cultivation of ethical standards and highlighting the tangible social impact contributions within the blockchain domain. At its heart, the movement seeks to promote the application of blockchain technology in tackling urgent global issues. We want blockchain to efficiently serve society to its full potential, pushing the boundaries of the human challenges that still lie ahead. We are determined to provide support to you and all initiatives that work for the common good and human needs, whether they are social, animal welfare, or environmental. We are here because the responsibility lies in how, and we are one. Activity: NGO BOOTCAMP NIGERIA When: 26th October 2023 Where: Abuja.

Favela’s Polygon TechHouse open day in Brazil

Polygon TechHouse’s open day event, held within the Complexo do Chapadão favela in Rio de Janeiro, presents a compelling case study for examining technology’s role in marginalized communities. This event showcased a series of workshops and activities aimed at demonstrating the practical applications of technology and its potential to foster community development. The context of Complexo do Chapadão, characterized by historical marginalization and limited access to resources, provides a pertinent backdrop for understanding the implications of such initiatives. Polygon TechHouse’s event leveraged technology as a catalyst for knowledge dissemination and skill acquisition among participants. This facet is noteworthy given the barriers to education and opportunity faced by marginalized communities. An analytical lens reveals the event’s significance in terms of social impact and empowerment. By offering workshops targeting various age groups, the event aimed to equip participants with skills relevant to contemporary technological landscapes. The potential social and economic implications of upskilling within marginalized contexts intersect with theories of human capital development and social mobility. The event’s effectiveness can also be evaluated from the perspective of participatory development. The collaborative approach adopted by the Polygon TechHouse, involving the local community in event planning and execution, resonates with established principles of participatory community development. This aspect showcases the potential for public-private collaborations to drive sustainable interventions. Central to the event’s narrative is the emphasis on information access and knowledge democratization. The workshops underscored the role of technology as an enabler of information dissemination, which aligns with theories surrounding digital inclusion and information equity. Within marginalized communities, equitable access to information holds implications for bridging socio-economic gaps and promoting inclusivity. The collaboration between Polygon TechHouse and community stakeholders presents an intriguing avenue for analysis. This dynamic exemplifies public-private partnerships within the context of technology diffusion, particularly in non-traditional settings. Examining the interplay between technology enterprises and marginalized communities contributes to a nuanced understanding of technology’s potential to drive localized development. In conclusion, the open day event  underscores the transformative role of technology within marginalized communities. This case study illustrates how technology can be harnessed to bridge knowledge gaps, empower individuals, and foster participatory community development. An academic analysis of this event reveals insights into the complex interplay between technology, education, community collaboration, and socio-economic progress. Further exploration of similar initiatives could yield valuable insights into effective approaches for leveraging technology in marginalized contexts. What: TechHouse Open Day Where: Polygon TechHouse, Complexo do Chapadao When: 27th March, 2023  

Blockchain for Rural Development (II)

In Kuje, Nigeria, we linked developers in the city to rural communities. The inclusion of disenfranchised communities in the development of technology, including blockchain, is essential. These communities have a right to access information and resources, and blockchain holds the promise of improving people’s circumstances. To ensure that this potential is realized, it is necessary to make technology accessible and safe. This requires a focus on educating and protecting people from potential risks, including crypto scams, as the lack of access to quality information makes them particularly vulnerable. We must also actively listen to the beneficiaries, understand their needs and challenges, and work with them to create solutions that truly meet their needs. Any advance in this sense empowers the community to become an active member of the blockchain ecosystem. The Kuje, Nigeria activity was managed by Web3 professional developers from Abuja who connected with +40 preselected attendees to discuss the fundamental aspects of blockchain technology and its applicability in a comprehensible and responsible manner.  Blockchain for Rural Development When: 28th January, 2023 Where: Kuje Nigeria

Chapadão Polygon TechHouse

After months of researching and refining the concept to ensure the initiative would be effective and sustainable, we opened the first Polygon Impact TechHouse at the favela of Complexo do Chapadão in Rio de Janeiro. With an estimated population of over 25,000 residents, it is considered one of the most dangerous areas in Rio. The Comando Vermelho, a drug trafficking organization, holds significant control over the favela, making it hard for foreigners to access the area and thus segregating the community and limiting its access to opportunities enjoyed by the rest of society. The Techhouse will provide a safe space for disenfranchised youth to access web3 in a neighborhood where opportunities are lacking. However, the real work starts now. We will work closely with the center to ensure that web3 community-led initiatives are systematically implemented and that the initiative is sustainable. Since the TechHouse opening ceremony, several organizations and institutions have expressed interest in supporting the initiative, including Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Ethereum Brasil, ChainLink, +1Code, and Women inTech. Coinbase coverage here. Activity:  Opening Ceremony When: January 25th, 2023 Where: Morro dos Prazeres, Complexo do Chapadão, Brazil

Favelas for blockchain! : Rio das pedras

Bringing Web3 education to favelas is crucial in promoting financial inclusion and empowering underprivileged communities. The lack of access to traditional financial services in these areas makes it difficult for small businesses and individuals to secure loans and make investments. This makes it essential to educate and empower these communities with new tools like DeFi protocols to improve their financial prospects and bring them into the digital economy. Impact Plus and local developers have led an exploratory meeting to discuss how to improve small businesses in the favela through the use of Web3 technology. A survey was conducted to understand the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, with the primary issue identified as the lack of access to small loans for investment. To address this, the team is providing education on DeFi to five selected entrepreneurs and seeking funding to establish a pool of funds for small credits.  Favelas for blockchain!  II When: 15th January, 2023 Where: Rio das Pedras, Brazil

Blockchain for Empact Alumni of the World Food Program

The absence of access to reliable and verified information can significantly impede informed decision-making across various critical areas, including investment choices, contract negotiations, payment transactions, and the management of production processes, such as those within the food supply chain. The World Food Program Empact Alumni group from, comprising both male and female graduates, recently convened for an event aimed at acquiring a comprehensive understanding of blockchain, NFTs, and the potential of Web3 in generating social impact. During the event, attendees delved into the prospective opportunities for collaboration between the Web3 community and the World Food Program. They also examined the challenges confronting the sector, including the transformation of food systems, the establishment of transparent supply chains, and the facilitation of financial resilience among smallholder farmers. The participants collectively resolved that, as leaders, they bear a responsibility to wield their knowledge of Web3 technology responsibly. They committed to actively engage in blockchain bootcamps and hackathons in Kenya, seeking innovative solutions to address societal challenges. This proactive approach underscores their commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology for the betterment of global food security and humanitarian efforts. Activity: 101 blockchain for EMPACT ALUMNI of the WFP When: 14th December, 2022 Where: Nairobi, Kenya

Accelerating progress in remote areas

Kuje is a Local Government Area in Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory known for its high population density and limited resources, resulting in socioeconomic problems such as poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing, poor access to education and healthcare, lack of infrastructure, poor waste management and environmental degradation. Efforts are being made to address these issues through community development programs and infrastructure investment. The event aimed to bring awareness as to how blockchain may accelerate progress. The attendees included local craftsmen, school teachers, students and blockchain developers. The community was introduced to concepts such as NFTs, DeFi, and smart contracts. The event serves as a foundation for future projects Impact Plus is exploring in developing communities in Nigeria. Accelerating progress in remote areas When: 09 December, 2022 Where: Kuje, Nigeria  

Exchanges with Amazonian communities

Cultural minorities, especially those in remote areas, often have limited access to information and need more resources to explore  technologies like blockchain. At our event, we aimed to bring the benefits of blockchain technology to a community deep in the Amazon rainforest. We were honored to have indigenous speakers from the community share their experiences and expertise, as well as solidity developers who have worked with small communities. A key topic of discussion was the importance of understanding carbon credits and how they can impact communities in the Amazon. More specifically, some community leaders reported that some of its members signed documents related to carbon credits without fully understanding their content. To address this issue and empower leaders in potential negotiations in this sector, Polygon and Impact Plus, in partnership with the NGO “Nossa Terra Firme,” introduced blockchain from a responsible and conscious perspective to prevent scams and fraud. This is the first of an empowerment program for communities in the Amazon region. The activity was carried out behind closed doors with the support of translators and cultural mediators to ensure respect for local sensitivity. Exchanges with Amazonian communities (Part 1 and 2) When: 03 and 10 December, 2022 Where: Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil

Leading EthSafari’s Bootcamp

ETHSafari was the first major international ETH conference in Africa, held this year at the end of September in Kenya. It was kicked off with Impact Plus’ Social Impact Bootcamp, and attended by the likes of local NGOs, university students and members of the general public. The bootcamp provided two tracks, basic and intermediary, to ensure that everyone benefited from a session tailored to their  individual competencies. Myriad experts in the field participated from blockchain companies like Polygon, KotaniPay, AfyaRekod, UNIFID and My Shamba Digital. The event concluded with a debate on blockchain and social impact between technology experts and PHD Representatives of the development world such as the GeoAnalytics Center.  We went on at the event to participate in various panels, such as “Women in Web3”, which addressed women’s empowerment in the predominantly male blockchain space. Activity: Leading EthSafari’s Bootcamp and panel discussion When: 19-21 september 2022 Where: Kilifi, Mombasa, Kenya

Favelas for Blockchain: Morro dos Prazeres

Inspired by the mission to make blockchain a more inclusive technology, Impact+ went to the Brazilian favela of Morro dos Prazeres, in Rio de Janeiro, to organize its first Web3 meetup. Favela residents were enthusiastic to learn about the technology, and to hear from community leaders with similar backgrounds who have leveraged Web3 to make a positive social impact. This included Carol dos Santos, from the favela Complexo do Chapadão, who runs the NGO Educar+, as well as Larissa Barros, who advocates for the inclusion of black and mixed communities in the blockchain ecosystem. Activity:  Blockchain brought to the favela of Morro dos Prazeres When:  30 August 2022 Where: Morro dos Prazeres, Rio de Janeiro,