Opportunity: Mercy Corps Venture Offers $100K Equity-Free Grants

Access to funding remains a significant barrier for many startups, particularly those focused on emerging markets and innovative technologies. Without adequate financial support, these ventures struggle to scale their operations and bring solutions to those needing them most. Furthermore, navigating the complexities of impact measurement, mentorship, and partnership opportunities adds another challenge for these aspiring entrepreneurs. In response to the pressing need for equitable funding and comprehensive support for Impact startups, the Crypto for Good Fund from Mercy Corps is poised to address these challenges head-on. With a commitment to providing up to $100,000 in equity-free grants to ten deserving startups, the Fund aims to catalyze innovation and empower entrepreneurs across emerging markets. Beyond financial assistance, the initiative, led by MCV, offers a holistic support system encompassing mentorship, impact measurement advisory, partnership opportunities, knowledge exchange, and brand exposure. To further amplify its impact, Impact Plus is thrilled to welcome Timothy Asiimwe, Crypto For Good Fund Manager at Mercy Corps, for an insightful session within the Polygon Labs Impact Care Center webinar series. Designed explicitly to bolster blockchain impact startups and entrepreneurs in their journey to scalability, this webinar promises invaluable guidance and expertise. During the session, Timothy Asiimwe will demystify the application process, providing tips for applicants to navigate successfully. With extensive experience, he will answer questions and offer strategic insights to help participants craft compelling proposals. Moreover, Timothy will shed light on the Fund’s strategic focus on fostering crypto innovation at the forefront, emphasizing the importance of initiatives prioritizing improving the lives and opportunities of underserved communities in emerging markets. Register here!